P & C Association

P&C Association

Both the Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association and School Board have valued, but different, roles within public schools.

The purpose of the P&C is to promote the interests of the school through cooperation between parents, teachers, students, and members of the general community; assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school; and fostering community interest in educational matters.

The P&C meets on a regular basis and all members of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings, with members choosing how actively involved they’d like their role to be. Joining the P&C is also a great way to meet other parents in the school and to contribute to the education of your child and to the school.

Leinster Community School


Meetings are held regularly in the school staff room. Please follow the Leinster Community School P&C Association Facebook page for updates on meetings along with the school’s newsletter. If you have any questions, please email the P&C directly at Ieinsterpc@gmail.com

What is the P&C Association?

The P&C is a group of parents and community members who work together to improve our school and the school experience for our children. The P&C is also a forum for discussion and the exchange of information between parents and the school.

At Leinster Community School, the P&C; with the help of many other invaluable volunteers; supports the school with fundraising activities such as discos, gift stalls, sausage sizzles amongst other social activities and working bees.

Why join the P&C Association?

There are lots of good reasons to join the P&C. Here are a few of them.

  1. It’s a great way to get to know people in the school community.
  2. You get to hear the reports from the Principal and the School Board representative, which give you a lot of information on what’s happening in the school, and a chance to ask questions.
  3. You get to have a say in how your fundraising money is spent.
  4. It gives you a strong connection to the school and a new network of people who care about the school, now and into the future.

How do I join and what does becoming a member mean?

To join the P&C, you just need to fill out a membership form and pay a contribution of between 5 cents and $1. Membership forms are available in the school’s front office. Just sticky tape your coin to your completed form and bring it along to a meeting.

As a member, you will receive all meeting papers and other P&C information and may vote at meetings. Members are under no obligation to attend meetings or participate in P&C activities.

Contact the P&C

Emergency Contacts

It is important that parents keep their contact and emergency contact details (including email) current so that a designated point of contact is available to the school at any given time.