School Hours & Attendance
School Times
8:15am: Class is open.
8:20am: School day starts.
10:30am – 10:50am: Recess.
12:50pm – 1:30pm: Lunch.
2:30pm: Home time.
Opening Hours
Each morning classrooms open from 8:15am. Parents are welcome to come in to view their child’s work at this time. At 8:20am the official school day begins, signalled by the bell.
Children in Kindergarten and Pre-primary need to be dropped off at the classroom and then collected from the classroom door by an adult or sibling in Year 3 or above. The school day ends at 2:30pm.
Student learning is planned following the West Australian Curriculum. All learning is sequential and regular attendance is essential to ensure that your child progresses academically, builds social skills, resilience, determination and solid friendships. Students are required to attend on all days that school is open. If your child will be away, please contact the school as soon as possible.
Adjustments to Student Pick-Up
Please notify the school if there are any changes to the after-school arrangements of your Kindergarten, Pre-primary or Year 1 child in writing via email,