Student Services
Student Services
Students identified as requiring learning adjustments are provided targeted support through documented plans in SEN, Reporting to Parents. These are developed collaboratively with the classroom teacher and Students at Educational Risk (SAER) coordinator.
The SAER coordinator will work with students who require extra support. These students will be identified by the classroom teacher. Parents will be notified if their child needs assistance and support with their learning. Students who are identified may be provided extra learning support or extension.
Learning intervention – Students are identified through assessment and placed in group sessions on the Multi Lit program to ensure all students learn to read and write. These group sessions may be supervised by a trained educational assistant or teacher. They may take place in the child’s regular classroom or in another setting within the school.
The school psychologist is employed to work closely with the SAER coordinator. Key roles of the school psychologist include: support for staff to assist students with learning difficulties, engagement in case conferences with parents, teachers, and outside agencies conducting student observations, cognitive testing, and risk assessments
Pastoral care complements the learning support program and assists students to become well-adjusted and mentally resilient. If a student has a worry or concern, they, their teacher or parents are able to refer themselves to the Health and Wellbeing Officer.
If your child is unwell we request that they stay home as this can comprise their learning as well as the health of other children and staff. Please complete the Absence From School Form.
Please ensure that the school has up to date contact information for yourself as well as the emergency contact.
If your child needs to leave during the school day, please visit the front office in order to sign them out.
If your child has been prescribed medication that requires administration during the school day, it can only be provided under the following conditions:
- Your child is well enough to attend school
- Parents complete the Authority to Give Medication form available from the front office and website
- The medication has been prescribed by a doctor
- Your child’s name is on the label
- The medication has the correct dosage clearly written on the label
Please note, medication can only be administered by office staff, it cannot be administered by classroom teachers.
Sun Care
Skin damage, including skin cancer, is the result of cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun. UV damage begins to accumulate during childhood and adolescence and is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer later in life. As students and staff are at school during times of peak UV radiation, schools play a major role in providing an environment that minimises exposure and encourages long-term sun protective behaviors. Each class is supplied sunscreen for student use and as a SunSmart school it is a requirement that students wear a wide brimmed hat at all times when outdoors. Should your child require a particular sunscreen, we kindly ask that parents provide this at the front office.
Allergy Awareness
Leinster Community School is an Allergy Aware school in which we teach students about the potential dangers of food swapping. We also educate the students on foods that are most common in causing allergic reaction, and ask that students do not bring any food to school that contains nuts.